Medium’s Boost Is Killing Writers

A look at the data-driven reality of what the boost is doing to us

Robin Wilding 💎
New Writers Welcome


This furry lil dude is a Medium writer wondering why his views are down. His pen name is Rover B. Hungry. Photo by Dex Ezekiel on Unsplash

Strap on into the emotions express folks — this is going to be a bumpy ride (but with cute doggos). Your nosy super sleuth has been at it again and I’ve got some things to report.

This is going to be a long one, but here’s the synopsis: Medium is moving to a human curation model (yay?), that’s why your views are down (boo), it might get worse (uber boo) — and basically, start getting yourself boosted by following their strict formulax.

Medium Is Moving to Human Curation

Medium’s Director of Publisher Growth, Ariel Meadow Stallings, wrote a post spilling the tea. It focused on the comment section of her previous post about Boost FAQs for nosy people. That’s me…I’m nosy people. In her recent article, she calls it “Medium obsessives” — which might be an even more apt description of my prying ass.

In Ariel’s post she highlights some comment-based Q&A about the boost, mainly answered by Buster Benson (who heads up Medium’s product department — and I’m assuming fights crime at night).

Someone asked — why have a boost at all (others don’t)?



Robin Wilding 💎
New Writers Welcome

Pro Writer • Amateur Twatopotamus • (Medium) Shit Disturber • Knobhead of the Year 2022 • Possibly a Dude